The Value of Conducting Membership and Stakeholder Research

By Mace Thornton

In my more than 35 years of experience leading and working for organizations, some as an elected leader and some as a staff member, I’ve come to appreciate the fundamental role that members and supporters play in driving success.

From my professional experience as a staff member of the Kansas Farm Bureau, the American Farm Bureau Federation and the United Soybean Board, I know it is vital to serve members, communicate effectively, engage meaningfully, and mobilize voices for action when necessary. Those are the foundational cornerstones of any successful organization.

Achieving these goals, however, requires a deep understanding of the members themselves, much deeper than can be offered by one or two busy, overbooked, in-person meetings each year. That is where membership and stakeholder research comes into play.

Understanding Member Needs and Expectations

Organizations thrive when they have a clear understanding of their members’ needs and expectations. Conducting routine research allows organizations to stay in tune with their members’ evolving priorities, preferences, and pain points. And nowhere are the changes coming faster than the agricultural sector. Updating the knowledge base enables organizations to tailor their services, communications, and engagement strategies to meet members’ needs more effectively.

Through comprehensive membership research, an organization might discover that members are increasingly busy with family matters and they may be interested in digital engagement and online resources. This insight can lead to the development of new digital platforms and tools that enhance member experience and satisfaction.

This also helps communicate the vital point that, regardless of stage of life or circumstance, all members are appreciated.

Enhancing Communication Strategies

We know that effective communication is crucial for any organization. Membership research provides valuable insights into members’ communication preferences as well as what type of content resonates most with them. By understanding these preferences, organizations can craft targeted communication strategies that cut through the noise and deliver messages that matter.

Imagine discovering through research that your members prefer concise, visually engaging content delivered via social media. Armed with this knowledge, you can shift your communication strategy to prioritize these formats, resulting in higher engagement and a stronger connection with your member audience.

Driving Meaningful Engagement

Engaging members in a meaningful way also goes beyond just communicating with them; it involves creating opportunities for members to actively participate and contribute to the organization’s mission; to get their hands involved in the process. Membership research helps identify the types of engagement activities that members find most valuable and enjoyable.

If research reveals that members are highly interested in networking opportunities and professional development, an organization can focus on organizing events, webinars, and workshops that cater to these interests. This not only strengthens member loyalty but also creates a sense of community and shared purpose.

Mobilizing Voices for Action

There are times when organizations, especially those whose chief mission is advocacy, need to mobilize their members to take collective action on a priority issue or cause. Understanding what motivates members at the personal level and how they prefer to engage in advocacy efforts is essential for successful mobilization. Membership research provides the insights needed to design effective advocacy campaigns that resonate with members and inspire them to take action, often by sharing their personal stories on the topic.

Consider a scenario where research shows that members are passionate about a specific policy issue and prefer to engage through three key tactics—post cards, personal visits and social media campaigns. With this information, an organization can develop a targeted advocacy strategy that leverages those three aspects to rally support and amplify members’ voices, leading to a more impactful and coordinated effort.

Stratovation Group: Leading the Charge

At Stratovation Group, we have the capability to lead comprehensive research efforts that not only gather data but also analyze it to draw actionable conclusions. Our team excels in transforming research insights into informed strategies and tactics that resonate with members’ voices. Whether working with large national organizations or smaller local groups, we approach each project with the same level of dedication and enthusiasm. Conducting and analyzing membership and stakeholder research is one of our favorite undertakings, and we take pride in helping organizations leverage this research to achieve their goals.

Transformative Member Insights

In our ever-changing business and societal landscapes, the organizations that succeed are those that remain closely connected to the pulse of their members. What’s make them tick? What’s keeping them awake at night?

Conducting membership and stakeholder research is not just a valuable practice; it is a strategic imperative. It empowers organizations to understand, communicate, engage, and mobilize their members effectively, ultimately driving success and fulfilling their mission.

By investing in regular research, organizations can ensure they are not only meeting the current needs of their members but also anticipating and adapting to future trends and challenges. In my decades of experience, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of understanding and engaging with members through research. It is a journey worth embarking on, and the rewards are immeasurable. We’d love to put our organizational experience to work for you.

Mace Thornton is COO For Stratovation Group. He has more than 35 years of experience working with organizations to enhance member engagement, communication, and advocacy. He is also author of  a recently released novel, Jawbone Holler, available on numerous retail platforms.