Trip to Delavan with Stratovation Group Intern, Christian Born

Internships provide an opportunity to learn by experience and exploration and last week I had the chance to go on a trip to Lake Lawn Resort in Delavan, Wisconsin with Stratovation Group client, Meristem Crop Performance. This trip was less about enjoying the scenic beauty of the lake, and more about getting hands-on experience with crop research and fieldwork.

Root Digs

One of the main tasks we handled was root digs. This involved carefully excavating the roots of different corn and soybean plants to study their development and health. By examining the roots, we could gather important information about soil conditions, nutrient uptake, and the overall impact of Meristem’s products. This hands-on experience was great, as it allowed me to see firsthand how different factors impact crop growth. Through these root digs, it was made evident that the products used were effective. The roots on the crops with the product applied were far deeper and more complex than the control crops.

A Quick Trip to Walmart

No field trip is complete without a supply run. A quick trip to Walmart ensured we had all the necessary tools and supplies for our root digs and other activities. From shovels to whiteboards and markers, we stocked up on everything needed to make our fieldwork complete.

Marking Test Rows

Back at the field, we began marking rows where various Meristem products were being tested. Each row was carefully labeled with a sign (popsicle stick) to ensure accurate data collection and analysis. This was crucial as it helped to identify which products yield the best results.

Learning and Growing

This trip was not just about collecting data but also about learning and growing as a professional. Working alongside the experienced Chris Thrasher, I gained insights into the practical aspects of crop research.


Reflecting on my experience at Lake Lawn Resort, I realize how important trips such as this are for an intern like me. They provide a connection between what I’ve seen on paper and real-world applications. The beauty of Lake Lawn Resort combined with the fieldwork made this trip a memorable and enriching experience.